
Cómo iniciar un movimiento

2 comentarios:

  1. Aquí está una transcripción del video. How to start a movement: Derek Sivers on TED.com

About leadership and how to create a movement.
Start a movement in under three minutes.
Of course the leader needs the guts to stand out and be ridiculed.
What the leader is doing is so easy to follow.
The first follower plays a crucial role: he is going to show everyone else how to follow.
The leader embraces the first follower as an equal. So now it is not about the leader anymore, it is about them. Plural.
The first follower is calling to his friends.
The first follower is an underestimated form of leadership in itself. It takes guts to stand out like that.
The first follower transforms the lone nut into a leader.
Next comes the second follower. Now it is not a lone nut, it is not two nuts, three is a crowd, and the crowd is news. The crowd must be public. It is important not to show just the leader but the followers because new followers follow the followers, not the leader.
Next two more people, and immedeately after that three more people join. No we’ve got momentum. This is the tipping point. Now we’ve got a movement.
As more people join in, it is less risky. Those sitting on the fence before have no reason not to. They won’t stand out. They won’t be ridiculed. They will be part of the incrowd if they hurry.
Over the next view periods you will see all that want to stick with the crowd because the don’t want to be ridiculed not to be part of the crowd.

If you are the first, remeber to nurture your first few followers as equals. Make sure everyone sees it is clearly about the movement, not you.
Biggest lesson: leadership is overglorified. Yes, the first nut started it. But it was really the first follower that transofrmed the lone nut into a leader.
We are told that we all should be leaders. That would be really ineffective.
If you really care about starting a movement, have the courage to follow and show others how to follow.
When you find a lone nut doing something great, have the guts to be the first one to stand up and join in.
A perfect place to do that is TED.

    *Esta transcripción del video es gracias a Martien van Steenbergen

  2. Seth Godin a escrito también sobre el tema. Aunque sus aplicaciones van más frecuentemente a lo comercial también son pertinentes aquí.
    Anexo un video en el que presenta su libro "Tribus":


Gracias por participar en este esfuerzo, George